A prophetic word on God´s holiness

Some years ago, when we were gathered for three days of prayer and fasting, the Lord gave us a message that really shook me up. I am usually wary when it comes to saying ”so says the Lord” – claiming to be speaking for God is not a matter that ever should be taken lightly – but something – someone – has recently been urging me to publish this message, urging me up to the point where I am pretty sure it has to be done.


This is a message to all intercessors, it is a message to all who serves the Lord and His people with preaching, teaching and praying for others, and it is, of course, a message that should be taken seriously by every Christian!

Maybe this word was given for such a time as this, a time when the holiness of God seems to be forgotten among those who claim to be His people…


”Uzza died, when he touched My holy ark.

Isaiah knew he was looking at his own death, when he beheld My holiness in the temple.

Nowadays My servants have no revelation on My holiness, they don´t know anymore what it means to die with Me in order to also live with Me.

Nobody asks what it means when it is written: ”I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me!”

Pray for My servants that light be given to them, that they would understand what it means to be dead with Me!

Pray for My servants, that they would begin to see and understand My holiness, how it kills and resurrects!

I want you to pray that this be given unto you!”

Publicerad i In English