Messengers of Heaven


Every now and then I listen to Don Francisco. I like his older songs even more than his more recent, maybe because I myself was young back then when I first discovered him in the early eighties.

But more important was the fact that this man was speaking to me directly from God´s own heart!

I could feel the Father´s heartbeats in his songs.

There were both truth and mercy to be found in his lyrics, and that is the mark of the true Gospel!

Truth without mercy hurts but cannot heal, and mercy without truth ends up needed by no one.


One of his in my opinion best, most prophetic songs is ”Messengers from heaven”.

Unfortunately I couldn´t find the lyrics on the Internet, so I had to try and write them down from the record. which probably means there are some minor differences from the original text.

But the message is unchanged, and is it clear!

Well, here it is, the warning of the Messengers:


”Your fathers came here once to the richness of this land

and they knew and praised the One who gave them everything they had

now their children`s children`s children take their lives into their hands

they put their faith in flesh and blood, and hope in wind and sand

But the messengers from heaven now are moving through the land

and everything that´s said and done they see and understand

And if one man in a thousand can be found to follow Me

then, for the sake of only one, I`ll let the others be

You worship what your hands have made in gold and steel and stone

as if your souls could be contained by all the things you own

and you praise Me with your lips alone – and there below inside

your hardened hearts that beat for lust and cannot feel for pride

And the messengers of heaven now are moving through the land

and everything that´s said and done they see and understand

And if one man in a thousand can be found to follow Me

then, for the sake of only one, I`ll let the others be

The prophet in the marketplace speaks strange and different tongues

and he cries aloud to everyone:  The judgement has begun!

But if you just believe his word and turn from all your sins

I`ll heal your land from all it`s hurts and bless you once again

And the messengers from heaven now are moving through the land…”

There are unseen eyes following all that we do, unseen ears that hear everything that is said, ant it is all recorded by an unseen pen in a book that will speak for me or against me on the day of Judgement. Oh yes, of course I know and believe that I am saved by the blood of Jesus, not by what I do or not do, once you believe in Jesus you do not have to fear the judgement where people go to eternal punishment, but there is a day of judgement coming for the Christians, too, a day when all those who are saved shall receive their rewards – or not receive anything but a salvation through a fire, where all that was said and done on earth will burn, because it was not what the Lord wanted and expected.

He expects us to have other priorities, other goals, than the world around us, which is so clearly described in Don Fransisco´s song.

He expects us to be guided by His love and mercy in our lives, to give freely as we have received freely, to stick to him so that we ourselves can be merciful and loving.

There are a lot of prodigal sons and daughters out there, people who know about Jesus and salvation, but who have taken all the good things the Lord gave, and have gone to live in the world on the world´s terms. There is no lasting blessing in that. Oh, there is a kind of joy in the world, I´m not denying that! But it is a joy that ends up in the pigpen!

But is it really necessary to let it go that far? Why not hear the word and turn from sin today?

There are a whole lot of ”prophets in the marketplace”, who are calling on both saved and unsaved, voicing the Father´s call for Adam´s children. ”Adam, where are you? It´s time to come home now, before the door is finally closed!”

The messengers are not sent only to observe, they have a message too. And we´d better listen!

Publicerad i In English